All about Sport

DSCF8909 (1) (Large)No, I don’t get up at 5 am in the morning to go for a run. No way! I love a long sleep whenever it is possible. But nevertheless, I did a lot of sport this summer. I almost went to the pool 3 to 4 times a week for my endless laps. DallenThe weather in Germany was just fantastic. And I continued with Karate, even when it was our summer outdoor training, which we do when school facilities are closed during holiday times. After some weeks I had a great drive, lots of energy and a certain commitment.Karate

05 Karate_Bokken_Workshop 0615 (Large)We can all do it, it’s just how much we want it.  We all want to excel, we all want to be the best that we can possibly be but sometimes we just need a little push to get us going.

“Exercising is hard, but it’s more consistently rewarding than anything else I know. The feeling you get once, that feeling of accomplishment and hard work that just puts a smile on your face. Those moments of doubt that sometimes creep in and get us down, but instead of letting them consume you – take action and get up, get motivated and get moving.” 

Right? What kind of sport activities did you prefer this summer?

Über sl4lifestyle

Journalistin aus Leidenschaft, Tierschützerin mit Hingabe und neugierig auf das Leben. Ich stelle Fragen. Ich suche Antworten. Und ab und zu möchte ich die Welt ein Stückweit besser machen ... Manchmal gelingt es!
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Eine Antwort zu All about Sport

  1. leonieloewin schreibt:

    Hiking, biking, swimming and Tai Chi – missed Western Riding….

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